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Dr. Rajesh Singh
Wellness Strategist
Jan 18, 2022
Bawasir is a widespread ailment that can affect men or women at any age. In today's modern life, Bawasir is very common, especially in urban populations. As an estimate, nearly 60% of people get affected with Bawasir (piles) at some stage in their lives. About 80% of people over 40 years of age suffer from piles due to poor eating habits and inactivity. But this is something people hesitate to talk about.
Bawasir is one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding. Bawasir (piles) is swelling that develops inside and around the lowest part of the rectum and anus. These are basically swollen veins or enlarged blood vessels that get created inside or around your anus. Sometimes, especially when you poop, the walls of these blood vessels stretch so thin that the veins bulge and get irritated. So, it's the swollen veins in the anus area.
Bawasir is a very painful condition, and if it is not treated on time, the suffering increases multi-fold. When it gets older, it creates further complications. When inflammation causes sores or ulcers on the intestine's inner wall, it is called 'Fistula', which is harrowing.
What is Bawasir?
How is Bawasir related to piles and hemorrhoids?
Bawasir Problem
How Piles forms?
Causes of Bawasir
Types of Bawasir
Classification of Bawasir
Symptoms of Bawasir
How to know if you have Bawasir or Piles?
‘Bawasir’ is a Hindi word. In English, Bawasir is called Piles. ‘Hemorrhoids’ is another term for piles. So, ‘Bawasir’, ‘Piles’ and ‘Hemorrhoids’ are one or the same things.
Piles come from the Latin word Pila which means - 'balls'. If you see an inflamed Bawasir or Piles, you will find that it appears as small round balls.
Bawasir (Piles) develops when there is too much pressure on the veins around the anus. Within the lining of the anal canal, there is a complex network of blood vessels and small veins. The veins on this lining become wider and enlarged due to inflammation, long sitting hours, frequent constipation and wrong food habits. These enlarged veins and overlying tissues then start forming swellings (piles), and this is how Bawasir develops.
Generally, Bawasir or Piles don't cause any problem and remains ignored. When the physical symptoms like bleeding or pain start, it is noticed, and the concern begins.
Bawasir is a collection of inflamed and swollen tissue in the anal canal that includes blood vessels, muscle, support tissues and elastic fibres. The reason for this inflammation or swelling is many.
Ageing is one common factor. As we age, the supporting tissues in our anus and rectum get weakened, and veins surrounding the anus are enlarged.
Another reason for Bawasir (Piles) is chronic constipation and straining during bowel movements. Bawasir develops from increased pressure in the lower rectum.
Today's modern life, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet are to be blamed for Bawasir (Piles). Unhealthy food habits, eating a low-fibre diet etc can lead to inflammation and swelling of tissues in the anal canal.
Processed foods, refined carbohydrates, refined flour (maida), foods rich in fats, fried and salty foods, sugary food or drink can also increase the risk of conditions that cause swollen tissue and blood vessels and leads to Bawasir or Piles.
Being obese is one of the critical reasons for Bawasir. There is a direct link between obesity and Bawasir or Hemorrhoids. An overweight or obese person puts his entire weight as pressure while sitting. So, the blood vessels surrounding the anus and rectum gets pressurized.
Prolonged sitting hours or Chronic sitting is another reason why Bawasir (Piles) develops. When we sit for long hours, it pushes our veins downward that causes inflammation, irritation, and swelling, leading to Bawasir. Excess weight or hard chair surface put even more pressure on the veins.
Women are more likely to develop Bawasir during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. Women with frequent constipation are more prone because straining during poop swells the veins. Bawasir generally gets better on its own after pregnancy.
Bawasir sometimes is also connected with hereditary factors. Few people may inherit swollen veins and thinner walls of the veins in the anal region, and they can develop Bawasir or piles.
Bawasir or Piles can range into different sizes, and it can be internal or external.
Internal piles develop inside the rectum. So it's called internal hemorrhoids. This is the most common type of Bawasir. Internal piles are deeper and are typically located between 2 and 4 cm above the opening of the anus.
This external type of Bawasir develops near the surface about 2-3 cm inside the anus. External piles grow under the skin around the anus on the outside edge of the anus. So it's called external hemorrhoids.
Despite the name as external or internal - internal piles can enlarge and actually drop down (prolapse). It hangs outside of the anus. On the other hand, the external piles are not always seen outside of the opening of the anus.
Generally, Bawasir or Piles is classified into four grades. :
Grade-1 : Bawasir in this grade is small swellings and inflammations on the inside lining of the anal canal. These are not visible from the outside, nor you can feel them.
Grade-2 : Bawasir or Piles are a little larger in this stage but remain inside the anus. They may get partly pushed out during the stool passing, but they spring back inside again.
Grade-3 : In this stage, Bawasir appears outside the anus. You can feel soft lumps hanging from the anus, but it can be re-inserted back inside the anus with a finger.
Grade-4 : In this stage of Bawasir, the lumps permanently hang down. They are significant in terms of size, and they remain outside of the anus. You cannot push them back inside.
Symptoms of Bawasir usually depend on the type of piles – external or internal. The symptoms can also vary with size, position and grade of piles or hemorrhoids. Here are the 7 most common symptoms of Bawasir or Piles.
These are the 7 most common symptoms of Bawasir or Piles. You should never ignore these symptoms, and you should consult your doctor for examination and treatment. But, sometimes, Bawasir or Piles may not have any symptoms, and you may not realize at all that you have Bawasir or piles. Reading your body signals carefully is the way.
If you are obese or have Bawasir (piles) in heredity, you are more prone to piles. If you have frequent constipation or have long sitting hours, you are more prone. If you spend longer time on the toilet seat or strain during your bowel movements, you are prone to Piles.
The simple way to confirm is to check if you have any of these 7 symptoms. If it is yes to any of these 7, that means you may have piles. In that case, you should visit your doctor. Your doctor can understand things better by asking questions about your symptoms and will also conduct a physical examination of anal passage to look for any signs of Bawasir or Piles.
Depending on the case, your doctor can ask for a further examination called – Proctoscopy or a more detailed bowel examination called – Colonoscopy to zero down and rule out any other conditions.
When you know that you have Bawasir or piles or are prone to it, you must take care of your diet and lifestyle. You should consult your doctor and follow the treatment. For Bawasir of piles care, today, there are good supplements also available in the market that are all-natural and give a result.
Food is the major component that can help you prevent and fight Bawasir or piles. It is better to know the best foods for piles and add them to your daily routine. Natural ingredients like Triphala, Jimikand, Haritaki, Radish or Mooli, Witch hazel any many Indian herbs that are known for giving results in controlling bawasir.
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