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Bratati Sen
Happiness Strategist
Sep 27, 2022
The demise of Queen Elizabeth II reignited the belongingness for Kohinoor Diamond in Indians. The news spread like fire, reminding Indians of Britisher’s atrocity.
Belonging to the family of royals, the Queen, herself, owned an Indian diamond all her life. What values today at more than $500 million is currently embedded in her family’s crowns. But the Queen we will introduce you to is not Elizabeth. Nor anyone from her royal family.
We all know that fruits are great for skin, but Mangosteen is the queen of tropical fruits. Mangosteen! Unique for its appearance and flavour, mangosteen is often revered as “the Queenof tropical fruits.” This round, purple-coloured fruit is quite popular for its delicious arils.
In this blog, you will know the 5 health benefits of Mangosteen and where to find
this powerhouse of antioxidants.
What is Mangosteen?
Mangosteen, also known as Garcinia mangostana, is an exotic tropical fruit. What segregates this queen of tropical fruits from the rest is its unique blend of sweet and sour flavours.
This exotic tree can only grow where the climate is relatively warm. For centuries, mangosteen has been honoured and cherished by the people of Southeast Asia.
What is the nutritional value of mangosteen?
If you were in search of a fruit that satisfies your taste buds and serves your health at the same time, Mangosteen is the one for you! Renowned for being a delicious fruit, Mangosteen is widely known for its medicinal properties.
Mangosteen is moderately low in calories (73 calories per 100 g) and contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. It comprises the impressive nutrients required for normal growth and development and overall nutritional well-being.
Given below is the list of nutrients along with their RDA (Recommended Daily
Allowance; the percentage of the total quantity to be consumed daily):
● Carbohydrates: 14% of the RDA
● Dietary fibre: 4.5% of the RDA
● Energy: 3,5% of the RDA
● Vitamin C: 5% of the RDA
● Vitamin B9 (folate): 8% of the RDA
● Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 7% of the RDA
● Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 6% of the RDA
● Copper: 7% of the RDA
● Manganese: 4% of the RDA
● Iron: 4% of the RDA
● Magnesium: 3% of the RDA
● Potassium: 1% of the RDA
Here are the 8 nutritional benefits of mangosteen:
1. Vitamin C - Powerful water-soluble antioxidant and combats viral flu.
2. Thiamine - Prevents kidney damage in patients with Type 2 diabetes.
3. Niacin - Improves cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease.
4. Folates - Lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of cancer.
5. Copper - Prevents premature ageing and boosts energy levels.
6. Manganese - Possesses antioxidant properties and supports the health of
7. Magnesium - Reduces the symptoms of chronic diseases associated with
ageing and stress.
8. Potassium - Controls heart rate and offers protection against stroke.
What are the health benefits of mangosteen fruit?
Mangosteen has been known to provide powerful support for every organ system in the human body. It is your chance to include the mangosteen extracts in your diet through Teraberries power syrup and bring home the myriad benefits of mangosteen extract besides 15 other exotic berries.
Here are 5 interesting uses of mangosteen fruit:
1. Nourishes the skin
A glowing skin comes from inside. Mangosteen is beneficial in maintaining healthy skin because of its unique antioxidant profile. Xanthones, a type of natural polyphenol, give away the
most abundant and distinctive antioxidant found in mangosteen.
These antioxidants wipe off damage-causing free radicals from your skin and
guard you against any other skin illness. A research conducted in 2015
concluded that oral consumption of 100 mg mangosteen for a period of 3
months promotes skin elasticity and improves the moisture content of the
In order to obtain these skin-protective benefits, take mangosteen extracts
daily through Teraberries power syrup for a minimum of three months and
bring home the myriad benefits of Mangosteen extract besides 15 other exotic
2. Promotes the health of your heart
Each mangosteen fruit is packed with potassium, copper and magnesium.
Each of these components aids in the neutralisation of blood pressure.
A study published in 2007 supplements mangosteen orally in rats. The study
revealed the cardioprotective effect and tissue defensive system of
The neutralised blood pressure ensures a normal heart rate and decreases
the chances of acquiring coronary diseases, thus boosting the health of your
Teraberries power syrup consists of mangosteen extracts that have shown to
reduce bad cholesterol levels, thereby decreasing the risk factors for heart
3. Lowers blood sugar levels
Mangosteen aids in controlling blood sugar levels.
Xanthone compounds present in Mangosteen fruits keep the blood glucose
level in check. Another essential component in neutralising blood glucose and
treating diabetes is fibre. Rich in high-quality fibre and Xanthone compounds,
mangosteen successfully manages your blood glucose levels.
A 2018 study was conducted on female obese patients. For 26 weeks, they
received 400 mg of mangosteen extract daily. Later, the study concluded the
potent benefits of mangosteen extracts in the treatment of obesity, insulin
resistance, and inflammation.
Hence, intaking a good amount of mangosteen extracts every day will lessen
your body’s capability to resist insulin which is the most significant reason for
diabetes acquisition by your body.
4. Boosts immunity
Mangosteen is abundant in Vitamin C, the secret element because of which
this fruit boosts immunity. Vitamin C speeds up the production of White blood
cells and aids in the betterment of their actions.
White blood cells are your real knight in shining armour. They boost your
immunity like no other and defend the body against any foreign invaders -
bacteria and viruses. The more white blood cells, the better defence system
you have. This also implies your better chances of battling diseases, bacteria
and infections.
A 2009 controlled trial was conducted on 59 healthy human subjects. The trial
concluded that the consumption of mangosteen-containing supplements for
30 days significantly increased healthy immune cell numbers which further
enhanced the response of the immune system.
5. Reduces Inflammation
Mangosteen is good for inflammation. Xanthones present in Mangosteen
indicate potent anti-inflammatory properties. They decrease the chances of
inflammatory diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
As an increased fibre diet aids in decreasing the inflammatory markers of the
body, Teraberries power syrup containing mangosteen extracts comes
packed with fibre.
An animal study conducted in 2017 observed the effects of dietary fibre. Later,
it indicated that a diet rich in fibre reduces inflammatory responses and
decreases the chances of inflammatory diseases.
Where to buy mangosteen?
This wonderfully fragrant, fleshy fruit is most often found in the tropical rainforest of Southeast Asian countries - Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lanka and India. Annual precipitation and relative humidity are favourable for its growth.
These fruits are not available during all seasons. Generally, they may be available in the market from June till October.
What you need to know is that internally, each segment of Mangosteen fruit contains 1-4 off-white coloured seeds. However, these seeds are inedible and bitter in taste.
If you or someone you know has ever looked for Mangosteen in the local market, you will know it is not readily available. Even when looking for Mangosteen online there are certain factors you need to keep a track of. To name a few:
● Buy mangosteen fruits with fewer seeds.
● Go for more fleshy segments of mangosteen.
● Choose the fruit with the highest number of stigma lobes at the apex
In this fast-paced world, it is arduous for people to find the right match (we are still talking about mangosteen). To top it all, mangosteen fruits do not have a long shelf life. They tend to lose their nutritional value in a week or two.
This is why mangosteen is commonly purchased online in the form of supplements.
Now, when you will search for mangosteen extract supplements online, you will find them in varied forms - juices, tablets, capsules and many others.
However, most of these versions of mangosteen extract available in the market dig holes in your pocket. This is where we come into the picture.
Presenting to you our teraberries power syrup which contains the magic of not only one, two or three but 16 exotic berries. All authentic berries with no artificial fillers.
The is one of the most authentic and high potency mangosteen supplement.
What makes this juice effective is the fact that our juice contains extracts of not only mangosteen but other prominent berries that double the benefits your health receives.
Given below is the list of all 16 berries that form part of our Teraberries power syrup:
● Mangosteen
● Sea Buckthorn
● Acai berry
● Cranberry
● Crowberry
● Blackberry
● Dewberry
● Bayberry
● Gojiberry
● Strawberry
● Grape seed
● Blueberry
● Bearberry
● Gooseberry
● Raspberry
● Bilberry
The high potency extracts of all these 16 berries were first sourced from their natural home and later captured the magical benefits in 1000 ml multi-berry syrup.
Having adhered to the high standards of the FDA, we have done all the hard work for you. Now, you can easily bring home the nutritional benefits of mangosteen extract and 15 other tropical berries to pump all the health-benefiting vitamins and minerals inside your body that you otherwise miss out on because of a busy schedule. Read all about it here.
What are the side effects of Mangosteen Extract?
Mangosteen is entirely a plant product and thus, does not pass on side effects.
These fruits are safe for consumption in the form of supplements and are well
tolerated when taken in moderate amounts.
In rare cases, nausea, gastrointestinal troubles and mild allergies are reported side effects of mangosteen extract. In case you are hesitant to take a chance, our suggestion will be to start slow and gradually build up.
Begin by taking mangosteen extract supplements in small amounts. Once you’re
sure that your body has assimilated the seed extract effectively, take a leap of faith and build up the consumption of mangosteen supplements in the required quantities.
Precaution for Mangosteen during pregnancy: A pregnant woman or nursing
mother must consult their gynaecologist before adding mangosteen supplements totheir diet.
Final Words
Mangosteen extract is a powerhouse of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory
This queen of tropical fruits is indeed one of its kind, for it prevents, treats and
relieves your body from an array of health diseases, ranging from cancer, diabetes, and blood pressure to infections and heart diseases. relieves healthy food supplements with antioxidant properties.
So, are you ready to level up your health game and step into healthy living with
mangosteen extracts and GoYNG’s Teraberries power syrup?
We hope this blog has helped you find answers to the 5 health benefits of
Mangosteen extract.
Do not forget to mention in the comments who you feel could be the queen of
tropical fruits, if not mangosteen.
If you liked the information we provided in this blog, hop on to our other blogs for simplified information on health and body strength.
Finally, if you have any questions for us, do mention them in the comments as well.
Our team will be pleased to assist you!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are mango and mangosteen related?
No, mango and mangosteen fruits do not have any relation. It is just that both
Mango and Mangosteen are fruits - belonging to different families and have
varying tastes.
2. What is mangosteen extract good for?
Mangosteen extract is a powerhouse of antioxidants. They protect your skin
from the damage caused by environmental factors and fight damage-causing
free cells in every organ of the body.
3. Is mangosteen good for high blood flow and pressure?
Yes, mangosteen restores adequate levels of blood flow to all organs of the
body. Take mangosteen extracts every day in the form of Teraberries power
syrup to remedy both the blood flow as well as high blood pressure and bring
home a healthy and well-functioning heart.
4. Is mangosteen good for the kidney?
Yes, mangosteen promotes kidney function and may help dissolve the stones
in the kidney without the need for surgery.
5. Is mangosteen good for the liver?
Yes, mangosteen is good for your liver. Low in calories and rich in
antioxidants, this fruit is especially beneficial for patients with liver steatosis,
where the fat level in the liver keeps on increasing.
6. What does mangosteen taste like?
Mangosteen fruit has a very sweet aromatic taste. Many describe the flavour
of this fruit as a combination of sweet and mildly tangy.
7. How many mangosteens to eat in a day?
Mangosteen is best consumed in the form of supplements. This 2015
research suggested everyday consumption of 100 mg mangosteen for a
period of 3 months for fruitful results. The daily dose of our teraberries power
syrup (30 ml) containing mangosteen extracts helps you achieve this target.
8. What is the best way to eat mangosteen?
The best way to eat mangosteen is in the form of juice. Juices are not only
authentic but also contain other essential ingredients that double the efficacy
of mangosteen extract.
9. What is the best Mangosteen supplement in India?
GoYNG’s Teraberries power syrup is an all-authentic and vegan formulation.
This is one of the best mangosteen supplements in India, containing the
magic of mangosteen extract and 15 other exotic berries, all sourced from
their natural homes. Together, they work wonderfully in keeping the health of
your skin, heart, kidney and liver in check.
10. Who should not take Mangosteen?
Mangosteen is known to slow blood clotting. Therefore, patients with bleeding
disorders are suggested to avoid mangosteen supplements. In this case,
consult your healthcare professional before adding them to your diet.
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