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What are the benefits of Sea buckthorn: 7 Surprising findings!

In the series of fierce wars that took place in Ramayan, in one of the battles, Rama’s brother Lakshmana was rendered unconscious by Ravana’s mystic weapon - spear which was similar to a poisonous snake. While Rama was in complete despair, Royal Physician Sushena guided Hanuman to Dronagiri Hills. One of the herbs that Hanuman fetched was Sanjivani Booti.

In the modern-age Ayurveda, Sea buckthorn is considered a Sanjivani Booti for the array of benefits it provides. For its impressive content of Vitamin C and E, this berry has the potential to protect your skin, liver and heart.

In this blog, we will discover what are the benefits of Sea buckthorn and we will
see if they coincide with new therapies and research.

What is Sea buckthorn?

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech during the Convocation of Sher-e-Kashmir University made it a point to mention the healing benefits of this
miraculous berry.

Sea buckthorn, also known as Hipphophae Rhamnoides, are densely packed bright yellow-orange berries with silvery green leaves. Native to Eurasia, Sea buckthorn ranges from the Atlantic coast of Europe across Central Asia to parts of Russia and China.

The name Hippo translates to the horse. Sea buckthorn’s name is derived after its noticeably beneficial effects on horses who grazed on the wild shrub.

This ancient berry has been used for thousands of years in medicinal fields because of its high-nutrient-rich profile. This is why Sea buckthorn has successfully attained a superfood status in today’s era. (Check out our high potency Sea buckthorn Teraberries juice now)

What are the Nutritional facts about Sea buckthorn?

The holy fruit of the Himalayas - the Sea buckthorn berry is highly revered for its
nutritive value far and wide in the areas of the world, indigenous to its growth. These berries are known to contain a unique composition of the following bioactive compounds:

● Vitamin Antioxidants: Protect cells of your body against damage caused by
the highly-reactive free radicals
● Flavonoids: Combat diabetes and lower blood pressure
● Tocopherols: Effectively improve the visible signs of ageing and support the
skin’s natural barriers
● Phytosterols: Lower cholesterol levels and support antioxidant activity
● Fatty acids: Support cellular development and promote the formation of
healthy cell membranes

Two unique medicinal compounds present in Sea buckthorn namely Decanol and Dodecanoate are the real knight in shining armour for your health. If you want to know the possible health benefits you derive from Sea buckthorn berries, head on to the next section.

What are the benefits of Sea buckthorn?
Researchers have increasingly confirmed that Sea buckthorn offers an array of
health benefits. Here are our 7 interesting uses of Sea buckthorn:

1. Protection against skin

In traditional Asian medicine, Sea buckthorn was applied to the skin to help
wounds regenerate and heal quickly. Since Sea buckthorn berries are rich in
antioxidants and Omega 7 fatty acids, they are also effective in healing burns,
frostbite and bed sores.

Sea buckthorn has also been proposed to treat Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a
chronic skin disease that results in scaly rashes. In 2018, a study was
conducted on 10 newly diagnosed patients of psoriasis to test the benefits of
Sea buckthorn for skin. After 8 weeks, all the patients reported that this form
of herbal therapy is well accepted. Hence, Sea buckthorn is the sole answer
to all your skin-related problems.

2. Promotes heart health

Rich in phytosterols, Sea buckthorn is excellent for improving blood
circulation. It contains beta-sitosterol that helps to protect against clogged
arteries. It does this by protecting arteries from inflammation and preventing a
build-up of plaque.

A study published in 2016, tested the healing effects of Sea buckthorn seed
oil on cardiovascular risk factors. The study concluded that the presence of
omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids in the Sea buckthorn, is effective in reducing
cardiovascular risk factors and hypertension in the human population.

3. Reduces blood sugar levels

Sea buckthorn is known to reduce blood sugar levels. The Omega 3 and
Omega 7 fatty acids present in Sea buckthorn berries help to fight insulin
resistance in your body. This ensures that your body is keeping blood sugar
levels under control.

In a 2021 study, concluded that the fasting blood sugar levels were
significantly lower for five weeks when consuming Sea buckthorn fruit puree.
Take Teraberries power syrup and reduce your blood sugar levels through the
miraculous benefits of Sea buckthorn and 15 other exotic berries.

4. Protects liver health

Daily supplementation of Sea buckthorn also protects the health of your liver.
The Vitamin E and healthy fats present in this miraculous berry work together
to safeguard liver cells from damage.

It is also helpful for those with cirrhosis, an advanced form of liver disease. A
clinical study published in 2003 tested the effects of Sea buckthorn on liver
fibrosis. The study concluded the positive effects of Sea buckthorn in the
prevention and treatment of liver fibrosis.

5. Has anti-cancer effects

By fighting inflammation and supporting various bodily systems, Sea
buckthorn is a great anti-cancer agent. It is rich in flavonoid, particularly
quercetin, that has been shown to kill off cancerous cells. A research paper
published in 2020 backs the therapeutic potential and anti-cancer activity of

A 2018 study tested the anti-cancer activity of Sea buckthorn in vitro model
and also investigated changes in human breast cells. It further concludes that
due to its high content of biologically-active compounds and antioxidants, Sea
buckthorn has been in cancer therapy and works best alongside conventional
cancer treatments.

6. Boosts your immune system

The rich content of antioxidants and flavonoids present in Sea buckthorn is excellent in protecting your body from infections. 

In past studies, it has been shown to protect your body against flu and HIV viruses. A 2015 research paper backs Sea buckthorn up by directing your attention to its high content of vitamins, minerals, natural antioxidants, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and proteins.

7. Protection against age-related diseases

Sea buckthorn berry is your answer to the requirements of all four kinds of omega fatty acids - Omega 3, 6, 7 and 9. It is the most healthy source of fats that protects your body against age-related diseases like Parkinson’s and Arthritis.   

In 2005, a study was conducted on the Arthritis rat model. Inflammation was induced in the right hind paw of rats and they were given Sea buckthorn leaf extract. In mere 5 days, a significant reduction was found in induced inflammation as compared to untreated animals. Hence, because of the significant anti-inflammatory properties, Sea buckthorn has the potential to treat age-related diseases like Parkinson’s and Arthritis.  


How to use Sea buckthorn?

Based on the taste buds of humans, Sea buckthorn berries could be available for consumption in the following forms:


  1. As a nutritional food supplement, the most prominent form so far is Sea buckthorn juices. They include Sea buckthorn berries in their ingredients and retain most of their nutritional content.  
  2. Sea buckthorn berries can also be consumed as a powder made from the whole dried Sea buckthorn berries.
  3. Lastly, for their health and beauty benefits, Sea buckthorn berries can also be taken home in the form of oil. 

The decision to choose a preferred form lies with you. If you ask us, often considered a super fruit, we will always choose to supplement it in the form of juice. All because juices will contain other prominent berries that double the benefits your skin and health will receive. 


Where to find Sea buckthorn?

Sea buckthorn often grows on rocky hills which makes access to Sea buckthorn berries difficult. The authentic version is rarely available in the market. Even if you find it, its cost will dig holes in your pocket.

To ease it all, we present before you our teraberries power syrup which contains the magic of not only one or two but 16 exotic and authentic berries. Yes, this is no joke. Given below is the list of all 16 berries that form part of our power syrup:

  • Sea Buckthorn  
  • Mulberry
  • Mangosteen
  • Acai berry 
  • Cranberry
  • Crowberry 
  • Blackberry
  • Dewberry 
  • Bayberry 
  • Gojiberry 
  • Strawberry 
  • Blueberry
  • Bearberry 
  • Gooseberry 
  • Raspberry  
  • Bilberry  

We have sourced high potency extracts of all these 16 berries from their natural home and captured their benefits in 1000 ml multi-berry syrup. 

Having adhered to the high standards of the FDA, we have done all the hard work for you. You can now easily bring home the nutritional benefits of Sea buckthorn berry and other 15 tropical berries to pump all the skin and health-benefiting vitamins and minerals inside your body that you otherwise miss out on because of a busy schedule. Read all about it here.

What are the side effects of Sea buckthorn?

Sea buckthorn berries are a plant product which makes them safe for consumption. They hardly pass on any side effects.

In rare cases, gastrointestinal upset, headache and palpitations are reported side effects of Sea buckthorn. Further, it is our suggestion to all pregnant women to consult their gynaecologist first before including sea buckthorn supplements in their diet. 

In case you’re scared to take a chance, our suggestion will be to start slow with the lowest dose and gradually build up. Begin by taking Sea buckthorn supplements in small amounts. Once you’re sure that your body has assimilated the berry effectively, take a leap of faith and consume sea buckthorn supplements in the required quantities. 

Final Words

Sea buckthorn is one miraculous berry which can be grown in very low as well as very high temperatures. These berries are a tremendous source of antioxidants and flavonoids, which helps you derive incredible health benefits.  

So, are you ready to level up your health game and step into healthy living with Sea Buckthorn berries?

We hope this blog has helped you find answers to the 7 surprising benefits of Sea buckthorn berries for health. Do not forget to mention in the comments who introduced you to Sea buckthorn for the first time. 

In case you have any questions for us, do mention them in the comments as well. Our team will be pleased to assist you!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Sea buckthorn good for?
  • Sea buckthorn berries, rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, are used for the treatment of skin rashes, arthritis and gastrointestinal ulcers.  

  • Why do people take Sea buckthorn?
  • In Ancient times, Sea buckthorn was used to support the digestive system and enhance the health of the heart. Today, people take Sea buckthorn for an array of health benefits ranging from skin, heart, and liver to the immune system.

  • What does Sea buckthorn do for acne?
  • The healing properties of Sea buckthorn have the potential to treat scars and heal acne. This happens because it contains a powerful agent- Omega 7 fatty acids that heals and treats wounds.

  • Is Sea buckthorn anti-ageing?
  • Yes, this miraculous berry is anti-ageing. Sea buckthorn reduces visible signs of ageing, treats pores and reduces acne breakouts. It is indeed a superfood in the true senses!

  • Is Sea buckthorn good for hair?
  • Yes, Sea buckthorn is a great addition to your hair care. It stimulates hair growth and maintains their health. 

  • Is Sea buckthorn anti-inflammatory?
  • Yes, Sea buckthorn possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Together, they bring out the therapeutic potential of Sea buckthorn that works wonders alongside conventional cancer treatments.  

  • Does Sea buckthorn make you gain weight?
  • No, Sea buckthorn does not make you gain fat. Interestingly, it contains two healthy fats that rather support the suppression of body weight gain, if unhealthy. 

  • Can you take Sea buckthorn every day?
  • Yes, Sea buckthorn berries are better consumed daily for a minimum of 4 to 5 months. Take Teraberries power syrup every day and bring home the myriad benefits of Sea buckthorn besides 15 other exotic berries. 

  • Who should not take Sea buckthorn?
  • Sea buckthorn is not advised for pregnant and breastfeeding women. They must consult their gynaecologist before including Sea buckthorn supplements in their diet. 

  • Which Sea buckthorn is best?
  • GoYNG’s Teraberries power syrup is an all-vegan and authentic Sea buckthorn berry Indian supplement. It contains the magic of Sea buckthorn and 15 other exotic berries, all sourced from their natural homes. Together, they work wonderfully in keeping the health of the skin, heart and liver in check. 


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