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Why no one is talking about jimikand for piles?

There was a well-talked group of three crazy musketeers. Entire school knew of them. They were meant to stay like that forever until the infamous class tenth presented before them three doors to success. While two of them chose science, accounts grabbed third musketeer - Rahul’s attention. Soon, life caught them and unknowingly they parted ways.

They all were living in their own bubble. Until last week, when Rahul called one of the musketeers. If this was a scene out of the movie, the reason for the call could be to plan a surprise birthday party for the third crazy musketeer. Alas, that was not the case!

Though the call took the both down the memory lane, the real reason was something else. Rahul recently detected his condition of piles and needed an expert’s opinion. Later, he went on to share how at first he was of the view that piles will not leave him ever.

Not only Rahul, but a lot of people think piles are incurable. They are not scared of this disease but the fact that they will have to live with piles all their life scares the heck out of them. 

If you view piles in the same manner, this blog is about you. Read on to know about Suran (Jimikand) for piles - an ayurvedic herb, that possesses therapeutic properties for the treatment of the symptoms of piles.  

What is Jimikand?

Jimikand, also known as Elephant foot Yam, is an ayurvedic herb that offers an array of health benefits including piles. 

Piles, technically known as haemorrhoids, is a cluster of veins, swollen inside or outside the anus. Itchiness, blood in stool and pain while passing stool are the major symptoms of piles.

If you are wondering about the causes of piles, we have listed a few below:

  • Constipation
  • Chronic Diarrhoea
  • Irritable bowels

Piles is not a way of life. Neither, it is here to stay forever. Here’s the tea- you can overcome your piles with simple lifestyle changes, exercise, dietary changes and a magical herb. The very same herb we are talking about today -Jimikand. 

It is hot in potency and pungent in taste. Many Ayurvedic medicines like Surana Vataka, Surana Avaleha, and Bahushala Guda among many others contain Elephant Yam urf Jimikand as an ingredient.

Nutritional value of Jimikand

Jimikand is a powerhouse of nutrients. It consists of the following essential nutrients (mentioned with their nutritional benefits):


  • Vitamin B6
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Copper

The ayurvedic properties of Jimikand are linked with these vitamins and minerals. These are the key to maintaining one's metabolism. Include GoYNG Piles Care Powder in your diet that contains the herb Jimikand and bring home the magic of 50 plus handpicked natural herbs, 18 astringents, 21 constipation fighters, 30 anti-inflammatory ingredients and 15 pain relief natural ingredients 

Benefits of Jimikand extract for Piles

Haemorrhoids cure is attributed as a special effect of Elephant Yam.

Acharya Bhavamishra, the most revered writer in Ayurveda, while describing the properties of Jimikand specifically emphasised how Jimikand is especially useful in piles. It not only alleviates water-related disorders but also promotes digestion.

Here are the 5 uses of Jimikand for piles:

1.    Reduces swelling and itching

The root cause of pain caused by piles is because of inflammation and swelling. Jimikand is a high-fibre ayurvedic herb with potent therapeutic properties. Daily consumption of jimikand in the form of Piles Care Powder softens the stool causing pain. It helps you avoid straining and reverses the symptoms of existing piles.

1.    Supports Colon Cleansing

Jimikand is a natural probiotic. The resistant starches present in Jimikand safeguards the health of your gut. These resistant starches remain undigested and easily pass through your stomach and small intestine. Upon reaching your colon, they feed the healthy gut bacteria. These bacterias thus support colon cleansing and remove toxins from the intestinal tract.

Containing Jimikand and 18 astringents, GoYNG’s Piles Care Powder optimise the health of your colon by balancing stomach acid.

2.    For relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a chronic condition.

Jimikand is a natural remedy that cures bowel movements. When resistant starches present in Jimikand reach your colon undigested, they increase digestive enzymes.

Jimikand works like dietary fibre in keeping the health of your digestive system at its best. Those experiencing irritable bowel syndrome thus feel at ease with the consumption of GoYNG’s Piles Care Powder that contains the herb - Jimikand and 21 other constipation fighters.

1.    For relief from constipation

Often caused by constipation, piles result in repeated strainings. This can be uncomfortable, painful and frustrating at the same time. Here comes your knight in shining armour - Jimikand.

Containing Jimikand and 21 constipation fighters, Piles Care Powder is beneficial in constipation. It corrects gastrointestinal disturbances, regulates your bowel movements and relieves your constipation.

1.    For relief from bleeding

The pain, tenderness, bleeding and intense itching that accompanies piles is often enough to drive you up the wall. Being a therapeutic herb, Jimikand supports the reduction of harsh friction and provides you relief from bleeding.

Piles Care Powder consists of Jimikand and 18 astringents that support your body by softening the bulk caused by heavy bleeding and soothing the mucus membrane (which covers the surface of internal organs).

How to include Jimikand extracts in your diet?

The extraction of Jimikand extracts is done through cold-pressed methods which will take forever if done at home. Hence, the extracts are commonly purchased online in the form of supplements.

The further problem is authenticity. When you look for Jimikand online, the various versions of Jimikand supplements available in the market are rarely authentic. Even if you find it, its cost will dig holes in your pocket.

To relieve your worries, we present to you our piles care powder. It contains the magic of 50 plus handpicked natural herbs, 18 astringents, 21 constipation fighters, 30 anti-inflammatory ingredients and 15 pain relief natural ingredients that heal the nagging pain of piles without surgery. Yes, all of them are authentic extracts with no artificial fillers.

The extracts of the following herbs form part of our piles care powder:

The high potency extracts of all these 6 ayurvedic herbs among many others are sourced from their natural home. We have captured the magical benefits of all in 400 g multi-herbs piles care powder.

Having adhered to the high standards of the FDA, we have done all the hard work for you. Now, you can easily bring home the nutritional benefits of Jimikand extract and 49 other herbs to pump all the health-benefiting nutrients inside your body that you otherwise miss out on because of a busy schedule. Read all about it here.

What are the side effects of Jimikand Extract?

Being a plant product, Jimikand extracts do not pass on side effects and are safe for consumption.

Generally, these extracts are well tolerated when taken in moderate amounts. In rare cases, fever and itchy throat are reported side effects of Jimikand extract. In case you are hesitant to take a chance, our suggestion will be to start slow. Take Jimikand extract supplements in small amounts. Gradually, take a leap of faith and build up your consumption of Jimikand supplements.

Precaution: Owing to Jimikand’s cooling effects, patients of asthma, cold, pneumonia and bronchitis must consult their healthcare professional before adding Jimikand supplements to their diets.

Final Words

Piles are a painful addition to your social life and life in general. When it comes to piles, prevention is any day better than the cure. From avoiding prolonged sitting to not lifting heavy weights, you can possibly reverse your condition when it is in its initial stages.

Piles in further stages can be difficult to overcome. Having right food, good herbs and correcting lifestyle is the key. As a natural way, Jimikand stands true to its medicinal properties and provides relief in every stage of piles.

It is an extraordinary ayurvedic herb for people experiencing bloating, gastric issues and irritable bowel syndrome.

So, are you ready to level up your health game and step into healthy living with Jimikand and GoYNG’s Piles Care Powder?

We hope this blog has helped you find answers to the 5 surprising benefits of Jimikand extract for piles and how it can be added to your daily life for therapeutic purposes.

Do not forget to mention in the comments who introduced you to Jimikand extract for the first time.

If you liked the information we provided in this blog, hop on to our other blogs for simplified information on health and body strength.


Finally, if you have any questions for us, do mention them in the comments as well. Our team will be pleased to assist you!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Jimikand good for health?

Yes, the tropical vegetable - Jimikand or Elephant foot Yam, offers an array of health benefits and alleviates all digestion-related disorders.

  • What does jimikand do to your body?

The cooling effects of Jimikand rebuild the digestion process and give a hormonal boost to the body.

  • Why do people take jimikand in piles?

Jimikand is taken by patients with piles because this high-fibre ayurvedic herb softens the stool causing pain. The therapeutic properties of Jimikand further regulate your bowel movements and relieve your constipation. Take jimikand extracts through GoYNG’s Piles Care Powder every day and bring home the benefits of 18 astringents and 21 constipation fighters forming part of piles care powder.

  • Can you take jimikand extract every day?

Yes, for long-term relief from the pain caused by piles, take Jimikand extracts every day.

  • Which is the best jimikand supplement for piles?

GoYNG’s Piles care powder is an all- authentic and vegan formulation of Jimikand extract. It is one of the best Jimikand supplements in India containing the magic of 50 plus handpicked natural herbs, 18 astringents, 21 constipation fighters, 30 anti-inflammatory ingredients and 15 pain relief natural ingredients. Together, they relieve the pain caused by piles without surgery and keep your gastrointestinal health in check.

  • How much Jimikand extract should I take daily?

The recommended dosage is one spoon (20 g) of Piles care powder. Do not forget to pour 100 ml of water and stir the mixture well before consumption.

  • How long does it take for jimikand extract to work?

A minimum of 4 to 5 months are essential to witness the health benefits of Jimikand extract. Take jimikand extracts through piles care powder every day and bring home relief from pain caused by piles.

  • Should you take jimikand extract in the morning or at night?

Jimikand extracts can be taken both in the morning (empty stomach) as well as at night (after dinner). The only thing is to make sure that you avoid taking food or any other medication 30 minutes before or after consumption of GoYNG’s piles care powder.

  • What should you not take jimikand extract with?

The cooling effects of Jimikand extract interact with the medications for cold, asthma, bronchitis and sinus infections. It is advisable to consult your healthcare professional before adding Jimikand extracts to your diet.


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